Re(2): [MV] CCKW-353 has arrived home!..MVs in movies questions.

From: Gordon.W.I. McMillan (
Date: Sat Jan 13 2001 - 02:15:09 PST

The problem with throwing a vehicle up in the air like that (GMC or
anything else) is that it tends to do a perfect arc and come down on it's
nose - not good for the driver.

I've seen an illustration or two where they get as much weight as possible
to the rear, and run it off a ramp with an extra small front ramp to
launch it. They drop the front piece as soon as the front axle is over
it, which launches the whole thing 'nose up' and allows it to come down
relatively flat.

Even so I'm sure we all remember such classic as' Dukes of Hazzard',
'Knight Rider', and 'Hardcastle and McCormick' where the lauched vehicles
came down so hard they had to be swept up with a brush, but are still seen
'driving away'

I can't remember any film stunt with any military vehicle that is truly
memorable for originality and effect, they are all pretty much 'push it
off the bridge and blow it up when it hits the ground' Nobody has ever
done a film where an MV gets the sort of plot attention that Minis get in
'The Italian Job', for example.

Any offers ?


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