Looking for a CCKW

From: Drew Ballard (aballard@toolcity.net)
Date: Sat Jan 13 2001 - 09:20:16 PST

Hello all;
        I'm in the market for a CCKW, but I do not know how to judge value.

        A while ago on G503 Ren Bernier put out a great list for guys who find old
tired jeeps: if it has combat rims add X, if it has all the seat frames add
Y, if the engine runs at all add Z. Can anyone tell me anything like this
for the CCKW?
        What pieces/parts add (or subtract) to the value of one just by being
there (or not). I know tires run upwards off $200, so if I find one in need
of 10 tires I know that knocks ~$2000 off right there.
        What things go bad and should be checked on one that's been sitting
outside for a while?
        If the guy can't tell me what shape the differentials/engine is in, what
does it cost to rebuild (ballpark)?

Thank you very much for any and all assistance.
Drew Ballard
'43 GPW

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