Hi list,
I got the following response off-list and as requested
I will keep it anonymous. I just wanted to keep the
flow of give and take going as the list was designed
to do. Their message is shown first, followed by my
reply. In my book there's no right or wrong - just
different opinions. What fun is it if you only hear
one side!!
> Come on!! from 9 to 18 mpg with hubs......give me
> a break. They lasted
> 50 years without em. The power steering is another
> expensive add on which
> may help a little if you are plowing snow... But,
> after 37 years in them, I
> can still turn the wheel and love it. I still have
> a couple with the sprag
> unit and no air shift ... they go good too. These
> folks should put the Hub
> and Power steering money into a nice winch, a cargo
> cover, a heater, a
> windshield washer kit , a set of manuals a few
> gallons of Dot 5 fluid and
> then a grand worth of spare parts like filters and
> injectors and brakes and
> the like... The hubs were $175 ten years ago when
> AVM was making them..
> And they were too expensive then.. I put about
> 15000 miles a year on mine
> just for fun..This is just my
> opinion and was not posted, so
> don't need any flames.. thanks.
Hey, I look at the list as a wonderful forum for open
discussion. In the future feel free to post differing
opinions to mine openly to the list - I don't
reciprocate with flames. Unless you consider voicing
a different opinion a flame! Everybody has a right to
their opinions and I won't knock anyone for theirs.
By the way, I am merely speaking from the experience I
have had (and heard about) with them - although I have
never had a deuce get 9 mpg before. Most of mine
average around 6, and yes I do get 12 mpg with the
hubs. Obviously yours must be more fuel efficient
than mine to begin with.
As for the power steering, quite a few of my customers
prefer to have it because they use theirs back on the
logging roads, etc. where tight, quick turns are
needed with a full load. It's not that they can't
turn the wheel - they merely prefer to have it easier
on a day in and day out basis. And I certainly do
agree with you that there is nothing wrong with a
sprag unit - I never said there was.
Just wanted to clear everything up. I am going to
post this on the list so that I clear it up with
everyone else, but I will take your name out of it
seeing that you did not want it posted.
Helen Breeden
Spunky's Motor Pool Co.
Williamsburg, Va.
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