Re: [MVlist] Typical MV'er Age

From: F. Brian Mead (
Date: Sun Jan 28 2001 - 11:27:55 PST

> 1. How old are you? 32
> 2. Did you ever serve in the military? No, but was born at Ft. McClellan
> (Army Brat!)
> 3. What country? USA
> 4. What branch? (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) Dad was
> Army
> 5. What was your Military Occupational Specialty/Rating?
> 6. Were you an officer or enlisted? Officer
> 7. What years did you serve? He was in 1963-1993 (I think 1993 is right, he
> stayed on a little after the Gulf War)
> 8. Is you MV interest in the years you served or other? WW2
> 9. What MV have you or do you own? M1009 CUCV, 1944 MB, 1859 McClellan
> Saddle

I guess you could say I had military service from 1968-1970 with a couple weeks
a year after that. Not to mention, my first playground (at Ft. McClellan) had
an M-38a1 (I think) buried up to the axles in a sandbox. That is probably what
corrupted me first! =^)


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