Warning Signs

From: Frank Robertson (tankdriv@gte.net)
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 11:55:16 PST

Hi guys,
 Here locally we've had trouble with shows setting us up next to either
National Guard or Reserve Units so people assume that we have government
owned vehicles. They then proceed to climb or let their kids climb all over
our stuff as tho they owned it. I had some magnetic signs made up that are
apx 7" X 4" white with green lettering highly flexible that state the

      UNLESS You Are In The
    Please DO NOT Lean On This
        Military Vehicle
 Buckles, Buttons and Zippers SCRATCH
   Privately Owned X - Military Vehicle
    Mid-South Chapter of the MVPA

If you would like some they are $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00. Please E mail me
off the list. Thanks
 PS all funds go to help restore the M5A1 Stuart Tank Miss Dixie.
Thanks Again

             Frank Robertson
             Memphis, TN. USA
     "Miss Dixie" "Tha Thing"
        _______ ______
    ___| (.o.) |___ _/______\
   |___|___n___|___| _/|_______|\_
   |\ /| / [___][___] \
   |_\[o]o____[o]/_| /\_ [o] [o] _/\
   |w||_________||w| |w||_________||w|
   |w||u_______u||w| |w|\u u/|w|
   |w| |w| |w| \_______/ |w|
                         [w] [w]
M5A1 Stuart Light Tank M20 Armored Car

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