Re: [MV] M49 fuel tanker question--CDL Well said

From: Philip Waterman (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 16:29:09 PST

Keith- Well said. I don't understand why people are concerned about do they
need a CDL or not. Get one it is simple, read book, take test, and take
road test. The hardest part of this is getting a truck that has a gross
weight over I believe to take the test.

It cost me $5 every three years (thats $5 more than a regular licenses) to
have a CDL here in New Hampshire. Another 8 years and I have to take the
road test again. I want to see the testers face when I show up with a
righthand drive truck.

Philip Waterman
Canadian Military Pattern  CMP `42 C60S and `45 HUP
Member- Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Collectors
Temple, New Hampshire  USA

> From: "Keith Byrd" <> > Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:44:19 -0800 > To: <> (Military Vehicles Mailing List) > Subject: Re: [MV] M49 fuel tanker question--CDL > > And if you you fudge or push up aginst a law > a little you could wind up in trouble, even though you don't actually > violate it. Here's what I mean: >....

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