if you take SUV out of your rant and put in 2-1/2 ton truck it sounds alot like
the same
people who want to outlaw our big trucks. sad to say though that this kind of
thinking is how
we wind up with m151's and hummers being cut up for scrap. for all the trouble
we have to put up with
getting our trucks insured and licensed i would think that you would be all in
favor of people being
able to buy whatever they can afford and whatever they want. it's mostly your
average joe schmo
like myself who buys these 2-1/2 ton trucks in the first place to drive for our
average purposes. are you saying
that you don't want anyone to buy a bigger vehicle than what you think they
should have. what is your
criteria for judging whether or not i should be allowed to own whatever kind of
vehicle i want. this kind
of thinking is how our freedoms are incrementaly lost. this is exactly how
we're losing our gun rights.
someone decides that someone else won't be responsible with a given freedom and
next thing you
know no one gets that freedom anymore. it's too bad that everyone is so used to
hearing this talk
of limiting freedoms that it doesn't even raise an eyebrow anymore, even from
this list. if you feel perfectly
fine putting your wife and your kids in a little geo metro and then sending them
carreening down the highway
at 75mph, thats fine. me, i'm putting the most precious things in my life in the
largest, heaviest, most bullet proof
vehicle i can find. (if i could only convince her to drive my 2 1/2 ton shop
van) i'm not ripping on you personally
but just think you need to think your rant through to it's logical conclusion
which would be the outlawing of
the very vehicles that this list is here to talk about. $.02
>I heard on the news today that Daimler/ Chrysler will be marketing the
>UNIMOG truck as a new SUV here in the US soon. It will be redesigned for
>this market and will cost somewhere in the 80-90K range. Anyone heard
>anything along these lines or am I dreaming it?
You heard right, although I think the cost will be lower. This thing is
HUGE and HEAVY. Something like 12,000 - 13,000 lbs heavy!
I have to say I think this is the most IRRESPONSIBLE thing a major
vehicle manufacturer could do. Soccer moms, their beginner driver kids,
and distracted corporate types already drive Suburban Battle Wagons
around in congested streets like they were small Hondas. Now D/C wants
to arm these marginally competent drivers with something that is heavier
than practically any non-commercial class vehicle on the road today?
Think of the parking space problems, the horrible gas mileage, wear and
tear on suburban side streets, etc.
Unimogs are GREAT vehicles, don't get me wrong, but so are Sherman tanks.
While I would like to own one of each, I don't think either should be
driven by the average person for average purposes.
Just my little rant for this month :-)
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