For sale - Must sell M105A2 trailer

From: Michael Moran (
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 08:29:53 PST

I have a M105A2 for sale. I've been told by my city that
I have to remove it from my 'parking' spot. The trailer
is not acceptable, though it's in regulations of the
city code written for trailers.
The city has gotten lots of complaints from my neighbors
about the camo colored trailer sitting next to my house.
They talk about it depreciating the neighborhood and even
one neighbor called me the 'white trash' of the
neighborhood. I wish I was able to get a M37, M715, M151,
etc. to use as a commuter and park that thing in the
street in front of my house maybe even hook up the
trailer on the weekends just to sit in the street in
front of my house to piss them off more. I hate living to
some else's standards.

Sorry for the steam....anyways, I have a M105A2 trailer
to sell. I don't use it much, outside storage is
$40/month too much for me to justify keeping it, the city
has been a real PITA to deal with on the situation, wife
is getting hysterical about the situation (she wants to
be 'neighborly'), etc. Lots of excuses.

It's 1.5 tn, drop tailgate, 6'2" x 9'4" bed w/ 18" high
sides, lunnette tongue 3' off ground, collapsable rolling
tongue wheel, back end support rod, almost new tires,
individual parking brakes, air-to-hydraulic brakes (which
can be converted to vacuum-to-hydraulic easily for other
uses). One 2" surface rust spot but it's not through on
the horizontal support brace outside of the bed. Go to
to see some photos. I'm asking $475/OBO. I'm in Lenexa,
KS ('burb of KC). Buyer and I can talk delivery
possibility. If I don't sell by April (will be gone for
10 days mid-March), I'll be heading to Ebay with it.


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