> I have seen replacement freeze plugs for automotive
> engines in the US that install (expand) with a spanner
> wrench and are intended to be installed with an engine
> in place. Perhaps one of these would be worth a try?
Well knock me over with a feather! This is one of those things I have
never even heard suggested should be made. Which just goes to show the
worth of this list and the people on it. Out of all the replies
regarding my postings on this subject, (not to say that I didn't
appreciate those) Brandon has so far been the
only one to mention these things, much appreciated Brandon!
> I can check my local auto parts store in the US if you
> can't find any locally. I'd just need to know the
> diameter of the hole.
First off I will go and annoy my local parts store and see if these
things exist in Australia. I will guess that they don't. In which case
I will get back to you about buying some for me and airmailing them so
that I can get my vehicle back on the road AND have a spare or 2 to
throw in a parts box, which will hopefully save any more rescue trips.
As with all these "work around" designs I suppose that they are not as
durable in the long term as a correctly (I couldn't resist putting that
word in) installed welsh plug? If it saves me from having to pull the
eninge out then I don't care if I have to change it everytime I change
the oil.
Does anyone know?
Thinking about it, I am again guessing that they are something like
a blind style dry wall fastener with wings or whatever at the back?
They would have to be very low internal profile
(and thus thin) so as not to restrict the water flow and cause a
cylinder hot spot?
Last point, as I am trying to measure the size of this plug and I know
from past experience that manufacturers don't normally use only 1 size
of plug for all the plugs on an engine. It
seems to be 1", does anyone on the list have access to the back of
a Hercules JX series engine who can confirm this for me? You will
find there is 2 plugs side by side. I can only view mine through a
mirror held at 45° and with a very bad parallax error so I could
easily be 1/8" or more wrong.
Armoured Vehicles Collector
_/_(_o_)_\_ ____
_/|___|_|___|\_ /____\
/ [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
/\_ [o] [o] _/\ Broken Hill __/=_|____|_=\__
|w||___________||w| N.S.W. /__\__________/__\
|w|\u u/|w| Australia |w| \ / |w|
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M8 Ferret
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