Interesting that you fellas should bring this up.... My father flies his
1942 Meyers OTW biplane out of Fremont Progress Airport in Fremont (go
figure!) Ohio. Gene Damschroeder is the owner of the airport and a friend
of Dad's. Gene owns two C-47's at least one of which is now a C-56 (think I
recall that designation correctly). The interesting part is that Gene says
he has the logs for the aircraft going all the way back....and they include
the aircraft's participation in (DA DA DA DUMMMMM!) D-DAY! Verrrrrrry
COOL. I made sure I got to climb in and around the old girl on one
exceedingly hot (for Ohio) summer day and considered it a privilege. Gene
bought the two with that idea of hauling freight but the C-56 mostly takes
the local sky-divers up enmass. The other just sits.
Sidebar comment......TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE!..... Does anyone on the list (Jim
Rice, keep quiet on this) know where Amy and I got married?
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