Thanks to all who responded! Got some good stuff from the notes. I am
checking through my back issues now for the articles on the convoy trucks.
I know there is also an old Squadron Signal book (I think that's who
published it) that was dedicated to the topic. I have forwarded all the
notes to Jim and again encouraged him to get off dead center and get signed
on to this group.
Jim has not decide what he is going to do yet. There are several issues he
needs to address that we had not thought of, first is whether a CDL is
required in Kansas or not. Then some minor stuff like storage and work
space. These are probably issues that need attention first. Then let the
buying begin! The nice thing about helping someone is you get to play but
do not have to pay, just sweat and get dinged up and bruised and
David & Donna Brubaker
Member MVPA
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