Hi listers,
I'm proud to introduce to the knowledgeable members of the list(s) my
FINISHED restoration of a 1960 (yes, 1960) Willys MB-T .
Got in Padua, Italy, 1 year ago, I found it built in Latina in 1960. not
probably (I've found the shapes of old signs just below the only "foreign"
green layer of paint) former "foreign aid" - marshall plan.
after a strong restoration (see the original conditions) , now I've aken
the photos for the Old Cars Register application.
All things are original, down to the smaller nut or washer, but tarpaulin
(Beachwood) , wiring harness (Vintage Wiring of Maine) and tires (Coker).
I wish to thank also Rick Larsen for stencils.
"Thank you America" signs are xerocopies taken from an original found on a
wood box.
You people of America can think about this trailer as a good memory of
after war aids to finally free Europe countries.
enjoy pictures at
| | Maurizio BERETTA mailto:pierino@tin.it
|______(*)_| www.pierino.com
|_\ o||||o /_| Chiasso, 11
|----JeeP----| 20155 Milano MI Italy
|_| |_| ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228
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