Ambulance top identification

From: John Doherty (
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 18:03:56 PST

Oh yee of great knowledge!

I need help in identifying today's purchase. N.O.S. still wrapped in paper
and string.

1 EA. CC-A
INSP. NO. 312

Made of extremely heavy canvas. Top has large red cross on white background
covered with clear plastic. Two door flaps at back with plastic windows in
them. The retainers are the 'twist the tab' style. (I don't know the
proper name)

No side curtains.

I believe it fits either the Mutt or Jeep versions, but don't know.

Can anybody tell me what I've found? Direct me to a source of information
on this?

As usual, I appreciate the help.

John Doherty

I'm trying to close the deal on a M38A1, civil defense version. Cross your
fingers for me.

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