To: <>(Military Vehicles Mailing List)
Date sent: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 21:34:19 -0800
From: David Richoux <>
Subject: [MV] Does anybody have any "links" to the M.A.N. company?
> Hi All,
Hi !
> My search engines seem to be failing on this one - anybody know of any
> web sites for M.A.N. (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg) especially
> covering their military 6x6 and 8x8 trucks? Tech details, photos,
> etc. would be nice.
Here´s the URL for the MAN homepage.
Does´nt seem to show much about their military range thoungh :-(
-- Venlig hilsen Henrik (Danish Army Vehicles Homepage) PGP-nøgle fremsendes på anmodning.
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