I have a CCKW 353 that I'm haveing a bit of starting trouble with. The truck
set for six years before we bought it t and started it again for the first
time. The problem occours after the truck has set for more than a day or so
without running. It seems that the engine is getting no fuel. The truck
cranks fine but will not fire. No ammount of accelerator pumping or choking
seems to help. A quick shot of a few table spoon fulls of fuel down the
throat of the carb and the engine will fire up without so much as a sputter
and continue to run without further problems. My thoughts are as follows...
1. accelerator pump in carb is bad, 2. carb is not holding fuel in it's bowl
while resting and is empty when trying to start. 3. fuel pump damaged or 4.
fuel filter is clogged. These are just my guesses. Thought someone out
there might have had a similar problem. Thanks.
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