WC53 Carrryall Restoration Entry #6

From: Chris Davis (cdavis@webworldinc.com)
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 07:43:46 PST

Last night went well. I don't know if the truck just got tired of fighting
me, or is just biding it's time, waiting to spring some more interesting

Anyway, progress report:

Drivers side rear bumperette off. Lower tailgate off. Upper tailgate
off. All the goodies stored in the truck pulled out and spots found for
them in the garage. Ready to tackle the windows and winder mechanisms

Back on schedual.

Chris Davis
MVPA# 20000
Lake Forest, CA
'42 WC53 Carryall
'66 M274A2 Mule (ended up not selling it)

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