I have an M35A2 with a non turbo LD 465-1C that won't start. Pump in tank
is working. I get a good stream of fuel at air purge valve on top of
secondary fuel filters. When I loosen the injector lines to the injectors
(one at a time) while cranking, we only get a dribble or two out, no spray.
You can see fuel flowing through the clear plastic line to the flame heater
when the heater switch is toggled. Would clogged secondary fuel filters
give this type of symptom, or could this indicate a problem with the
injection pump? DRMS personnel say they drove it into place about 6 to 8
months ago, and it ran fine. Fuel tank is almost full and primary filter,
when drained at petcock, is clear, clean fuel. While cranking, the stack
gives off puffs of white smoke.
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