Dear Pat,
There is an appeals process for untitled vehicles in Texas (and I assume
in Florida) where problems such as yours are taken care of. You have to
get past the registration clerk at the courthouse first!, I suggest you
go to the title section of the DMV closest to you and make them explain
the process in detail. You will probably have to have a Law Inforcement
Officer fill out a verification of serial number form and get a weight
certificate. It may involve a hearing where you explain the facts, show
your paperwork, and bring along any witnesses you have to state that Mr.
X never titled it, that it sat behind his shed for years, yadda, yadda,
yadda, you get the picture. Then the administrative law judge says - OK
- we will issue a title.
Or, alternatively, look up an automotive title service in your town in
the yellow pages and pay them their fee to do it.
How is the Duck? Got any more around?
Mel Miller
2 X M725
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