Re: [MV] Gear-box woes (Grease -2)

Date: Wed Mar 21 2001 - 11:51:06 PST

In a message dated 21/03/01 15:10:44 GMT Standard Time, writes:

<< But there were two tiny steel balls -each with a diameter of 0.75 cm- in
 the grease that came out of the gearbox. They do not show any damage that
 they would have suffered if they had gone in between the gear wheel teeth.
 Where could they have come from? >>


Before you start to panic, there are three ball-bearings that act as detents
in the gear-shifter housing. The interact with the shifter-shafts located in
the top of the gearbox housing. Normally, they are retained in place with
cotter-pins and springs......and I can see no reason for your mechanic to
meddle with them. But if this mechanic has already swapped oil-for-grease....
 who knows what he has done?

I noticed in your last posting that you mentioned "the lower filler plug".


There is no UPPER FILL PLUG. The plug that appears to be an upper filler
plug is the reverse idler arm PIVOT PLUG. DO NOT TOUCH IT.

As a historical note here........ the Mutt transmission/transfer has two
drain plugs but only ONE fill plug. And the fill plug is fitted much lower
down the side of the gearcase than anyone would think.
In what can only be described as a blunder of monumental proportions, the
gearbox was designed with a pivot plug which resembled the lower filler plug
exactly. And it was placed on the same side, higher up.
It didn't take long before mechanics were saying "two drain plugs... must be
two fill plugs". Follwed by attempts to fish out the idler arm which drops
down inside the gearbox when the pivot plug is removed by mistake.

Maybe the bearings have come from elsewhere in the box, but my bet is your
dunce mechanic has pulled the top off the transmission and fiddled with the

I hope you've got a copy of TM9-2320-218-34 and 34P.... you're going to need
them !


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