M274 idea.
It has been my experience that Ty-Raps in contact with petroleum
products and exposed to heat or combination of the two become brittle fairly
quickly. While they probably did not exist when the original manual was
written and are an actual time saver, make sure they become part of your
predrive check.
The bundle bought at your local Sam's club (or equivalent warehouse
club) are right down there in the quality department with toilet tissue
paper made in ( fill in 3rd world country). Find a good electrical supply
house and get them there. In addition to all kinds of lengths and widths,
they are also made for different chemical environments.
You may find that in this case, a roll of good old fashioned Mechanics
Wire is the better choice. Available in different diameters at finer truck
parts stores near you. And a damn site handier and easier to store than a
bunch of coat hangers. Don't leave home without it.
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