I would like to invite anyone in the area with a big (or little) Ugly
Green Thing to join us for our annual convoy. Our usual route of Redmond
(East of Seattle) to Snoqualmie Falls for lunch and museum tour has been
cancelled due to road earthquake damage.
This year it is scheduled for Sat the 21st of April. Meet at the
Redmond/Bear Crk Safeway parking lot at 9:00, leave at 10:00. Drive up
the east side of Lake Samammish to Issaquah and around to the west side
and north back towards Redmond to Marymoor Park for Potluck BBQ.
If anyone is interested in joining up with us contact me here on the
side. Tks Keith Dewey, Pres of the Puget Sound Military Veh Collector's
Club (Western Washington)
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