M49A2 photos

From: Ron (rojoha@mediaone.net)
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 06:44:22 PST

Heeeeeeeesssss Baaaaaaccccckkkk!!

    Ok all, the pain in the ass is back with more pictures. You might recall
my CDL questions regarding an M49A2 registered as an antique and used to
haul water a month or so ago. This was the reason.


The album is titled " The 1 that got away" and shows an almost CHERRY
(except for the yellow paint) tanker I bid on. It went to Vermont (not RAM
, unfortunately). And for what it's worth, the denizens of this list have
visited my M35A2 album 2003 times as of 0930 EST (US) today. YOU LIKE ME,

    So Enjoy ! Ron
                        MVPA 18999
                        MVMVC 97

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