At 03:38 PM 3/30/2001 -0700, lou wrote:
>Here's a link to an explication of cleaning by electrolyisis. I've used
>this technique with good results on parts up to 16" jeep wheel size with a
>10 amp battery charger. Rigging tanks large enough to do a flotation tank
>in might be a challenge and you might want to try a larger size charger as
>there seems to be a relation between current used and how long it takes to
>do a complete job.
>Cheers Lou
i think you forgot he is trying to de rust the inside of the tank so if
he can weld it up to flote he should be able to use it as a tank
the Electrodes he mite be able work thu the hand hole or make holes
that can be repaired ez
the Electrodes need to not touch the tank old hose on the
Electrodes would fix up i would think and i would put hose on the
bottem or end too help the no touch
geting it cleaned out after word mite be a pain
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