When you utilize the block sender function it deletes from your mail server
with out any further action required by you every time you download your
email. It first downloads the list of email to your computer which looks at
the list and says to the email server Hey Server! Message #821 is on my
forbidden to youngsters list < My CPU is only 9 months old > so kindly
delete it and do not send it here.
One of the few items that utilize the KISS principle.
James Shanks
----- Original Message -----
From: Douglas Greville <dgrev@ruralnet.net.au>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <mil-veh@mil-veh.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Blocking
> Stu or anyone else
> > If you go under the message menu and click on Block Sender, you will no
> > longer get this message, or any other emails that this inconsiderate
> > may send
> As I use Netscape Mail, does anyone know how to do the above with my
> mail programme, I can find no "block sender" function, but only a
> filter facility which still means I have to download the dross before
> it would be auto-deleted?
> 2nd question, when you do "block sender" what does the sender see at
> his end? Does he get a bounce message (that would be most satisfying
> since the moron would then have to download it) or does that email
> just evaporate in cyberspace?
> There are a couple of spamming morons I would love
> to block, I am getting rather tired of dodgy "get rich quick schemes"
> appearing continually in my mail, especially a certain one from
> Nigeria.
> Off list replies would probably be best as this is all off topic.
> Compulsory MV content, er um............. I use my email for MV
> chat and the above questions are an attempt to preserve it for that
> purpose. (Weak effort if ever there was one huh?)
> Thanks.
> Regards
> Doug
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Armoured Vehicles Collector
> _______
> _/_(_o_)_\_ ____
> _/|___|_|___|\_ /____\
> / [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
> /\_ [o] [o] _/\ Broken Hill __/=_|____|_=\__
> |w||___________||w| N.S.W. /__\__________/__\
> |w|\u u/|w| Australia |w| \ / |w|
> |w| \_________/ |w| |w|$ \______/ $|w|
> [w] [w] [w] [w]
> M8 Ferret
> dgrev@ruralnet.net.au
> Web Armour site at:
> http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/lsm/dhmg/index.html (UK mirror site)
> and
> http://members.nbci.com/dgrev/index.html (US mirror site)
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