Hey, I think some of you been into the forbidden mushrooms again!
I go the "every" list to see if a subject line interests me.
I don't care who' list it is ...it's the information, silly !
With my Outlook Express Email Folders, I automaticaly send ANYTHING with
the word JEEP or CJ2a or CJ3a /b or MB or GPW ...to a special folder !
Those messages I read.
The other messages I quickly look at the sublects then do a "mass" delete
For those of you on a pay per minutes email / phone connection. I feel you
would be silly NOT to be putting several folders onto you inbox to catch
your "favorite" MV title info the read happily offline.
Oulook Express allows you to look for key words, in the subject or the page
of incoming emails.
Simple really !
Anyway, I have no MV "site" relationship that will pull me left or right
..well, of course if it's "the little lady" and she sleeps on the left
...then. of course always go to the left or vice versa!
And that's NO conspiracy !
Rob 42MB jeep Upstate, NY
South of Syracuse. NY
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Kuti <j.a.kuti@worldnet.att.net>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <mil-veh@mil-veh.org>
Date: Sunday, April 22, 2001 9:09 AM
Subject: [MV] Virus Theroy
>OK I have a theroy - The father of this virus siege is part of a conspiracy
>trying to split up the list and send us to the splinter groups
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