WC53 Restoration Entry #36 & #37

From: Chris Davis (cdavis@webworldinc.com)
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 08:56:34 PDT

Stayed up late Friday and finished stripping the exterior of the Carryall.

Saturday I borrowed Mike's trailer again (thanks Mike) and used it to
borrow a large MIG welding setup from a relative. (Lincoln Model
255). This is a very nice MIG machine and should work well for filling in
all those screw holes in the roof and repairing a few more "issues" on the
body. My problem is a lack of experience with MIG. I've played with it a
little, but does anyone know of an on line resource for power settings and
shielding gas flow rates? I'll be practicing on scrap metal before
attacking my truck with it, but anything that can speed up my learning
curve would be appreciated.

After a spot was made for the MIG in the garage I went to work on stripping
the interior. I thought I'd try and do it without the Peel Away, just gray
wheel away all six layers of paint. After a frustrating couple hours I
gave it up and got the Peel Away out. Slapped that stuff all over, covered
with paper and called it a day.

Chris Davis
MVPA# 20000
Lake Forest, CA
'42 WC53 Carryall
'66 M274A2 Mule

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