Manuals FS 9th Edition

Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 17:34:25 PDT


I'm beginning to get to the bottom of the pile, unless there is someone out
there who wants to set up his own Orderly Room. (Lots of Administrative
Instruction Manuals, etc.) Todays selection is:

TM5-1080-200-13&P (29 january 1987) Operators, Organizational, and Direct
Support Maintenance Manual, Including Repair Parts for Lightweight Camouflage
Screen Systems and Support Systems. About 200 pages. Smaller format (about 6"
x 9") Very Good condition. $10.00 plus $2.00 postage.

TM5-1080-200-10-HR (10 May 1990) Hand Receipt for Lightweight Camouflage
Screen Systems and Lightweight Camouflage Support Systems. 57 pages. Very
Good condition. Full size. Basically, a complete list of NSN's and
Manufacturers Part Numbers for camouflage systems. $5.00, postage included.

TM10-8340-227-13&P (28 February 1994) Operators, Unit, and Direct Support
Maintenance Manual, Including Repair Parts for Soldier Crew Tent, Type 1 and
2. About 200 pages. Full size. Good condition. This is a square tent about 11
x 11 feet that looks as though it could have been made by the Coleman
Company. It's nylon with shock-corded poles and a floor. Must be fairly new
as I never saw one while I was in the Army. $8.00 plus $2.00 postage.

TM10-8340-207-14 (December 1968) Operator, Organizational, Direct and General
Support Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List for
Tent, Lightweight, Frame Type. 2 copies available. Excellent condition.
Includes Changes 1 through 3. About 175 pages. $10.00 plus $2.00 postage.

TM10-8340-211-13 (16 September 1990) Operator, Unit and Direct Support
Maintenance Manual for Tent, General Purpose Small, Medium, and Large.
Includes Change 1. Tells you how to set up, maintain, and store military
tents. Excellent condition. About 75 pages. $7.00 plus $2.00 postage.


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