WC53 Carryall Restoration #41

From: Chris Davis (cdavis@webworldinc.com)
Date: Fri Apr 27 2001 - 07:47:23 PDT

Completed stripping on the interior side and wheel well below the back
windows (both sides).

Next is the roof. It's no fun holding that right angle grinder up over
your head for an extended period. Maybe I can rig some sort of scaffold to
lay on like Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel Ceiling...

Happy news from David Miller (also restoring a WC53 in the greater Los
Angeles area, see: http://www.wc53.com/). He found a gentleman with a WC53
chassis in Utica, NY. This chassis still has my missing cross member/hat
channel! Hopefully a deal will be struck soon and my Carryall will be
whole again. Isn't the Internet amazing?

Thanks David!

Chris Davis
MVPA# 20000
Lake Forest, CA
'42 WC53 Carryall
'66 M274A2 Mule

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