May 4 2001
Hi List!
I have just received a leaflet:
A new 80 pages, full color, monthly magazine is born (another one!). It is:
CLASSIC MILITARY VEHICLE, published by Pat Ware, cost in the E.U. is 37
British Pounds, outside the E.U. is 42 British Pounds. The Editor is the
same of the book "The Classic Military Jeep Illustrated", the one
containing full color pictures only, with no legends.
First issue due on May 18.
Address: Kelsey Publishing Group
P.O. Box 13
Westerham, Kent TN16 3WT
Ph. 01959 541444
Fax 01959 541400
This is all I know. The above info comes from the leaflet.
This is the 2nd new mil-veh magazine to be issued in May...
Let's hope they will be good substitutes for the defunct Wheels & Tracks...
Both are published in the U.K.
Regards and
Keep Them Rolling!
Raimondo - MVPA 15878 & IMPS 2320
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