Interesting thread. Just the other day, a Vietnam Veteran Medic friend of
mine told me that he now works for American Seating Company- 114 years old.
I told him the name sounded familiar. When I passed by my NOS 1944
packboard and looked at it- made by American Seating Company. I can't wait
to tell him.
At shows that I attend, people are sometimes speechless when I tell them
about their companies and what they did during WWII. I am always assembling
information about who did what during WWII. 10 blocks from my house, they
built FM-2 Wildcats. 14 in the other direction, a company from Downtown
Baltimore made buttons during the Civil War (Union and Confederate). Of
course, I live less than four miles from the original entrance gate to Fort
Holabird- the original grade test mounds are still there. I fly out of
Martin State Airport, where more than half of the Martin B26 Marauder's were
built during WWII.
My wife sometimes thinks I am not conscious of the present when we are
driving down the roads. Perhaps I live in the past and fantasize about the
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