Pike Bishop wrote:
> I DON'T understand ebay's concern, as there have been nazi memoribila
> collectors since WWII. Nazi or Third Reich collectors/sellers are NOT
> perpetuating nazism by buying and selling these items. These prized
> collectibles have done better than IRA's or other retirement or savings plans;
> same as machine guns, in their return on your money. If nazi items are
> verboten in some countries, then the seller should stipulate that the item
> cannot be delivered to those countries; and as far as I've seen, they do. Now
> ebay has completely outlawed these highly prized and expensive collectibles,
As eBay has grown, they have turned to main stream values and become more aware of
the sensabilities of some groups. They are now striving to become like Disney, a
pap to the majority. Realistically, they don't need the income from military
items, and if a catagory becomes a pain, they will shut it down.
I had a long arguement with them about WW II vintage tank radios. They argued
they were complying with the FCC, but I got a letter from the FCC saying it was OK
to sell the items in question. It was STILL shut down. Face it, they are going to
do exactly what they want, and nothing will change their mind. In fact, I believe
they don't give a hoot about what their customers think, and have a folder full of
emails to support that opinion, including one saying if you don't like how we
operate, follow this link to shut your account down.
Maybe they should take a closer look at PEZ dispensers. I heard that in the '60s,
people soaked the candies in LSD.
A nice thing about the internet is that others can start up as specialized
buy/sell/trade options for very little cost. Let's hope that happens. Soon.
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