Re: say a prayer.....update

From: Jaime Ponce de Leon (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 23:30:03 PDT

Sometime 'round 5/12/01 12:05 AM, y'all (Everett Doyle) sent me this here
email, from yonder (

> Perhaps this is tale of when two fools met - but I just could not stand the
> thought of M37 that I had worked hard on to bring back to life having this
> done to it. Yeah I know is just pile of iron, rubber and sweat, but the old
> warhorse deserved better than to die in the mud driven by a jerk with no
> respect for vehicles.

Honestly, If I had a M37, and it was already damaged, and restoreation was
going to cost a whole lot more then i could afford, and I enjoy mud racing,
then I would go out a,d lift it and modify it and take her out and it would
be a honor to the old girl to kick some serious butt in the sport.
Now If I have a complete M37, restored, or in good condition, with time and
effort and love put into her, then I wouldnt do that, it would be a waste of
a perfectly good piece of old iron which deserves better then that.

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