What Price for WARN O/D

From: aussierob (aussierob@odyssey.net)
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 06:18:21 PDT

I have the chance to buy a Warn Overdrive unit. I have No Ideas on the price
range to offer? None!

At present the OD is an a 60's model jeep which has an old flathead
installed. (installed in '84)
The jeep body is really well torn & tattered - rusted - and beat up!
The engine was a factory rebuild in 1984 (who's factory is unknown) it still
runs too.

However, I'm more interested in the OD
So, those with experience in OD Prices (average condition) let me know a
fair price to offer.

Aussie Rob - aka - Ol Jeep Breath - Rob P.
42MB and a gaggle of CJ2As

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