RE: [MV] Can anyone help me find a ....

From: Frank Robertson (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 19:11:30 PDT

There are some around but get ready for big bucks AFTER you get it. Just
transporting one in Tennessee runs about 18.00 a mile. That's why I stopped
at a Stuart. The Sherman is overweight and oversize. You need a front and
rear escort because of the oversize and in TN the overweight permit runs .05
per mile per ton. The Sherman weighs in at apx 74,000 lbs which put it apx
15 tons overweight. So just the permit runs .75 a mile.

             Frank Robertson
             Memphis, TN. USA
     "Miss Dixie" "Tha Thing"
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M5A1 Stuart Light Tank M20 Armored Car

-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of Sean Gowing
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 4:40 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Can anyone help me find a ....

Old Sherman Tank, not restored, I would like to take it up as a project and
rebuild it.

Any Information would be much appreciated.
You can Email or call.
Email -
Phone number 805-875-6206

Thanks for your time.

Sean Gowing

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