Aberdeen Tick Warning !

From: Rob Dabkowski (robdab@better.net)
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 19:22:46 PDT

Well, its official !! Dr. confirmed yesterday that I have Lyme disease.
Since I picked 4 ticks off myself while at the show ( missed the one
burrowed into the back of my knee joint) and live in cold Canada the rest
of the year, it seems likely that I picked it up at Aberdeen P.G. I
understand that the organizers did spray the field twice for ticks but my
"booth" was at the far outer edge, near the camping only area and I guess
that the little beasties migrated in from the bushes, after the spraying.
Three weeks of anti-biotics, here I come !! If you were at the show and now
feel "under the weather", itchy or have ANY unexplained rashes, get to a
clinic for a blood test. Easy to treat if caught early, VERY dangerous if
not treated. My two dogs carried another 9 blood-filled ticks betweeen them
but apparently Lyme doesn't bother canines (although they can carry it so
that mosquitoes can spread it to other people near the dogs). I won't be
attending THAT rally again, unless the date is shifted to sometime OUT of
tick season. Robert(Toronto)

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