Not sure about the re-build kit but the failure mode is easy enough.
One of the slave cylinder seals has gone, and all the fluid you put in it
is finding it's way past the seal between the vacuum and fluid sections -
if you open the drain plug for the vacuum unit you'll find out where the
fluid is. When it fills up completely the vaccum line back to the inlet
manifold merely sucks up all the excess fluid and the engine burns it -
hence the disappearing fluid.
Drain the vaccum side DON'T SPLIT IT UNLESS YOU HAVE TO. Open up the
hydraulic cylinder end and pull out the guts noting what goes where. If
the bore of the cylinder is OK (normally is) just take all the seals down
to your local brake place and get new ones.
Drain the vacuum cylinder of fluid, then put in a touch of the cylinder
lubricant you got while you were getting the brake seals and stick it back
on the truck. bleed all the bleed ports (3) on the hydrovac in order and
then all the wheel cylinders.
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