M37 Distributer (coil blew up)

From: Mike and Cheryl (mleaton@netins.net)
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 20:32:56 PDT

First of all I seem to have been taken off the list, I have not been
receiving list email for 2 days, resubscribed tonight (hope it works).
So in case it doesn't please respond to me via email. If someone knows
what I need to do please help me get back on the list.


My 1952 M37 (3/4 ton Dodge Cargo Truck) was cutting out at low
idle. I pulled the plugs and cleaned them (no help). I then decided to
pull distributor (I was really dreading it). It wasn't that easy, but
came out. My coil is cracked and spread some nasty stuff around the
inside of the distributor. I have a new coil, points, condenser. Will order
a new cap and rotor. What should I use to clean it up and what else should
I do or be looking at? What would cause the coil to break (it is old), or is
there something else wrong. It is metal sided and don't think it is one of
foreign aftermarket that the list said were poor quality.

Mike in Iowa

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