> >
> > If your that affraid of it then by all means take it to a shop.
> Afraid of it....more like aware of the risks ...but if you think me
> and by contrast you brave...whatever.
> Personally
> > I think a number of you are being abit to alarmist.
> Then you have never seen the results of exploding fuel vapours..I have,
> hence my opinions.
> >
> >
> > >Please for Gods sake don't weld fuel tanks unless you are a pro. Not
> > >convinced? Find some pics from a safety or welding course of accidents
> that
> > >resulted...it's grim.
> >
> > You critisized my logic before, I'm not even going to touch the flawed
> logic
> > on this last statement. You can always find examples such as you
> > what statistical relevance they have is debatable.
> EXACTLY You make my point. It's got bugger all to do with statistics.
> What it's got to do with is chemistry and physics, and nobody yet has
> the how and why's of that.
> >
> >
> > >just leaving the tank "open" for a week is not enough.
> >
> > Depends on the tank and alot of other parameters. One needs some common
> > sense when dealing with these things
> So please give us a list and explain all of these other "parameters". If
> you can't, you've been lucky. I still think it more wise and prudent to
> leave the work to someone with the proper knowledge.
> >
> > We most likely will never agree on this.
> True.
> You conduct your affairs as you
> > wish and I'll do the same, just do not critisize what I do and I won't
> > critisize what your not going to do.
> I'm not criticizing you, or what YOU do per-se. I'm critisizin your
> of unqualified, potentially lethal advice to other persons. I'm just
> pointing out the risk. Look - people are going to do exactly as they
> please, whether I like it or no. Big deal....I'm just saying stop and
> and do a risk analysis first.
> >
> Bill
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