I don't know if it has been said, but from good sources who I know and rate
as A-1, this guy who did this has a history of doing things like this, i.e.
driving down the road with no real registration.
It sounds like two people got stupid, and were damn lucky that the cop on
the scene had the GOOD judgement to remove them from the situation without
escalating beyond simple arrests. Had this individual gotten in any way
more ballistic, he could have found himself breathing tear gas, feeling
flash bangs, and looking down the muzzle of MP5K's.
I can state categorically that if the law enforcement people I train with
encountered such a situation, it would have gone as I described. That
police department deserves a BIG word of thanks from this on-line community,
because they had the capability of turning that situation into something
like the media circus surrounding the California tank- AND USED GOOD
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