List thanks for your good suggestions,
With the help of a more learned MV'er (Thanks John) in the area we
opened the switch and it looked like the inside of a bag of
Kingsford(hey who dumped my grill over in the garage??). No wonder it
did not want to make contact. Will bring it by a local rebuild shop for
a look see but I may just get a new one.
Also thanks to John, mystery solved re: supposed ground cable
connections. The military reserve unit from which I got the beast took
a small liberty with the installation of a floor heater/blower. I
thought it was all 24V, (I ain't no lectricin') well they used a 12V
blower and tapped off only one of the batteries. This per John is a
major no-no due to upbalanced battery loading...maybe that was the
~drain problem. Well it's outta there.
Ok now the "I must be nutz" part..
Picked up an M38A1 from an estate. All major parts present, engine,
radiator, tires,seats (all) canvas bows, (rotten canvas), glass, side
curtins. The "iron moths" have gotten to the floor boards more on the
drivers side and in the battery well all other body parts are solid.
Cept of course for the rear springs which rusted through(its now sitting
on a log to keep off the tires). ? on rear springs..are these the same
as current CJ5 jeep?
Other problem is the shifter is stuck (in neutral ) hi/lo range/4wd
shifters move freely. It appears that some water may have gotten into
the ball as there is rust evidence around the mouth of the shift ball.
I am spraying the L out if it with penitrating oil and rapping (not
urban singing) on it somewhat gently.. Suggestions besides take it off
and get a new one or is this the best course of action?
Thanks as always,
Daryl Lehman
52' M-38A1
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