-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: [MVlist] RE: M38A1 Hood Numbers
Dear Listers and especially all you M38/38A1 gurus......
I have a photo of an M38A1 in storage at Norton AFB, CA, in 1967.
The hood number is 2G 0581. I checked and re-checked and it is definitely 2G
0581. I always assumed that from Reg No 2B onwards, all these would have
been M151-series......and that the M38A1 ceased to be adopted following the
introduction of the Mutt.
I know that 2G 0547 is DEFINITELY a Mutt (an M151A1C).
Now the question. Does anyone know FOR CERTAIN if M38A1s were still being
accepted by the Army in 1964? I know they were still in use....but were NEW
ONES being delivered?
Any help will be much appreciated.
Kind regards...
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