Hello everyone...
I've talked to some of you folks before (Hi, Andy!
Hi, Mark!) when working on my M38A1...well, one ACL
reconstruction and a year of graduate school later,
it's time to switch to a better highway vehicle so I
have my M38A1 on the auction block (on ebay...do look
at it if you're looking for a good, little '52 M38A1
with a VRC-53 installed...please don't e-mail me about
the VRC-53 not being the correct vintage for the
Jeep..the M38A1 was used well into Vietnam when the
VRC-53 made its debut...:-) (And it is far superior
to the RT-70, IMHO))
Anyway, that's not why I'm writing today...the vehicle
I'm looking to replace the Jeep with is a 1985 M1009.
It has 65k total miles on the truck with 15k miles on
a 1995 model 6.5L TD. It is rust-free and according
to the owner, starts very very quickly first time you
crank it.
I've been told about the notorious transmission
problems with the M1009's...I need advice on keeping
it maintained. The short end of it is I am probably
going to end up driving this home 1300 miles. It
would be expensive, I think, to have to have a rebuilt
transmission installed, especially in the middle of
nowhere. The current owner has had a leaking
transmission seal replaced in the 1009. The tranny
guys checked it out while they did that and said it
had about another 10,000 miles in it before needing
major servicing.
I'm a pretty good gasoline mechanic, but have only
rudimentary knowledge of diesel engines. I'm also
aware of typical 6.5L diesel problems...I know about
the FSD getting overheated (I'll probably remove the
cover over it before heading out the 1300 miles!) and
the glow plug relay issues...and injection pump
problems. Are there any other major problems to look
out for? I think those are plenty enough to keep me
I'm going to be paying around 4k for the 1009...I felt
that with the fairly new engine and new rear end (and
no rust!) that would be a fair price despite the
impending gloom of the future transmission problems
that seem to be inescapable on 1009's. BTW, I also
don't look forward to buying replacement parts for the
same engine currently used in the M998...$$$$$
Any ideas? I'm really just concerned about trying to
drive the thing home and getting stuck halfway back.
My alternatives are the following:
1) TAke a train out, inspect the truck (I've printed
out relevent pages from the appropriate TM's on the
CUCV series to include troubleshooting and PMCS
lists)...drive it home, pray for the best...(train
ticket: $186.00 + ~$200.00 fuel + hotel, etc...not to
mention the 1300 miles I'll be putting on the 1009!)
2) Purchase the 1009 sight unseen and have it shipped
to me (e.g. STUPID! There's about a 3% chance I would
actually attempt this...+/- 3% margin of error! :-)
3) Try and find a kind soul in the 1009's vicinity
trustworthy and knowledgable to check it out in my
place and have it shipped to me. (Hi, Mark! :-) )
Thanks for any help!
T. Bloxom
p.s. It costs a LOT of money to ship a 3/4 blazer
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