M37 Clutch adjustment??

From: Jeffrey cerniglia (jcerniglia@msn.com)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 08:32:37 PDT

Hello everyone again,
                       Ok another newbie question here as I am still
waiting for my manuals to show up in the mail. Is there a clutch
adjustment for a 54 M37?? The clutch engages very high almost the last
inch to inch and a half, where should it start to engage?? The clutch
does not slip at all so I figure there must still be alot of meat left
on it. Thanks for everyone's replies to my Bucking bronco post. I have
decided to drop the tank and clean and coat, also rebuild the fuel pump
and do a pressure test on the steel fuel line to check for leaks.

Jeff Cerniglia
Bristol, Ct
1954 M37
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