At 22.22 10/07/01 -0700, Patrick Murman wrote:
>Anyone know what's going on at RAPCO? Several listers recommended them
>to me for my steering drag link parts kit and I see they also have the
>exhaust system I answer to phone calls or emails. Extra
>long vacation?
>'42 GPW
if you look at the archives, you will find some e-mails about RAPCO: I
tried to order some paint cans, but I was unable to get in touch with Mark,
both via fax, or answering machine (I'm in Italy!!).
Anyway, as I had only GOOD reports on this company, I keep trying.
Mike Pilcher offered to contact Mark by phone, and this way I had my order
I collected my paint cans box in San Francisco: paints seem beautiful,
order was quite cheap, packaging perfect and fastly delivered.
So, I can just suggest to try again and again: it seems to me a good vendor
indeed (a little bit difficult to contact...but we never know, perhaps he
will buy a mobile one of these days ;-))))
| | Maurizio BERETTA
|_\ o||||o /_| Chiasso, 11
|----JeeP----| 20155 Milano MI Italy
|_| |_| ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228
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