Ron wrote:
> Those interested, read on ... if not slap delete now:
> Will be Ft. Lee bound.
> Lo**ll PD released my CUCV (S-EX) Thursday PM but through some crossed
> signals between shifts had it towed back to tow companies "Secure" storage
> yard
I'd at least ask for the money for their "secure" storage back, take the
SOB's to Small Claims court if you can. Also, how about figuring some
way to check out their place for stolen tools? What you're describing
is grand larceny, and if your suspicions prove out, should come under
the RICO statutes. I'm just glad I live in Idaho where this sort of
crap doesn't happen. I have an acquaintance living in Mass, before the
elections he was bombarding me with McCain promotions. Figures.
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