drms website

From: Rick Welker (rickw_17030@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 20:14:51 PDT

    I was at Mechanicsburg today looking at some
Government Liquidation (Levy-Latham) stuff and stopped
by the DRMO office. While we were talking I mentioned
that the DRMS website was down over the weekend. The
gentleman there stated that they were notified that
the site was taken offline (to the public) due to some
possible terrorist activty. He did not know when it
would be back up. Also, I spoke via email to a rep
from the national office in Michigan late last week
and was told that vehicles would go the way of
Government Liquidation starting Sept 01. They do not
know how the SF 97's will be handled as of yet, but it
looks like GL will have to obtain titles prior to
reselling them. Maybee this is old news to some, but
it seems that some of us are out in the dark. Who
knows what will happen until it's straightened out.

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