I'd love to replace my m886 with one and drive it daylay
after fixing the trazfer case to go back in hirange
to run 50-60 mpg if it can be done butt i'l naver have the money i bet
At 10:24 PM 7/26/2001 -0500, John Doherty wrote:
>Forgot to mention it, but the large box directly behind the cab is a full
>width tool box, and behind that at about fender height is the full width
>diesel fuel tank.
>Directly beneath the tool box is a rather large, frame rail to frame rail
>width block of steel ballast bar, about four inches or so thick. The front
>and rear BUMPERS on mine are made out of 3/16" thick steel. Not going to
>get those dented in the mall parking lot!
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