Re: Sting ops

Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 15:14:17 PDT

> > I agree with what you said about entrapment and that
it would get tossed
> > of court. However, I feel that in a lot of cases
some agencies are not
> > really interested in "victory" in court as they are
in dragging
> > name and face into newspapers.
> >
> > I can see headlines now
> >
> >
> > of course the results in court would be in
bottom inside corner of
> > in very very fine print.
> >
> > This would also put your name in front of less than
honest persons that
> > would wonder if in your house/place of business you
might have some
> > they could break in and steal.
> >


True, they also bank on the fact that they can get X
number of people to plea bargain to avoid the expense of
going to trial, and often they are fishing for something
to hold over someones head to get them to help them get
someone else.

"You can plea guilty to the reduced charge of XXXXX, or
else we will take you to court and cost you all kinds of
$$$$" is the deal offerd a friend of mine... he had the
money to fight it, however, and the judge threw the case
out saying it was one of the worst cases of wrongfull
prosecution he had ever seen, and the worst conduct of
Federal Agents he had ever encountered. Had he not had
the resources to fight, however, the story would have
been differant.

Not blasting cops, many of my best friends are cops, but
getting tired of the tactics I see some Federal Agencies
use. And this is a subject that we all need to be aware
of, as we are all potential targets of this as long as
we collect HMV's or anything military. If they want
person XXX for some reason, and you have done business
with him (even if it is just buying some Dodge parts or
something), they may come to try to get you to do
something so they can offer you a chance to "get a
reduced charge" if you just help them get person XXXX.
Do a little research into how many times they have done
this in the past, it is scary.

Be carefull out there!

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