Re: [MV] Brake fluid replacement question

From: Jumpmaster (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 23:59:33 PDT

--- Richard Notton <> wrote:
> The only small point of possible conflict as the
> original question concerned silicon fluid is the
> reference to DOT 5 fluid which is the latest spec
> "ordinary" brake fluid, silicon is DOT 5.1 and this
> unfortunate classification causes no end of
> confusion.

Really? Is that so? Take a look at this...

I could swear it doesn't say "5.1" anywhere on there
and that it does, in fact, say "DOT 5"...maybe it's
just my crappy eyesight. :-)

> Gosh; what I call methylated spirits - wood alcohol,
> highly miscible with
> water and used for pre-heating kerosene pressure
> lamps, as anti-freeze in
> screen wash water, up-market cook-it-at-the-table
> restaurant burner things,
> tiny model steam engine heaters and a general
> solvent, to be had in every
> hardware store. How ever do you get by without it ?

Yeah, I know...klinton probably had something to do
with it, but at least in my area it is unavailable.
The hardware stores got a little irritated when I
asked for it...they mumbled something about it being a
"hazardous substance" and the EPA and that's all I got
out of them.

T. Bloxom
1985 M1009 CUCV

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