I my club the MVMVC, we tell people if you want a hobby, go collect stamps!
no-one can own just one...!
Back in 1996, I built the Raymond Ordnance Depot (ROD). At 42 x 60, it was
too small when built.
Later, in 2000, I had the POD built (Pembroke Ordnance Depot). It is 30 x
60. It is too small even with the ROD!
When I was married (2nd time) in 2000, we used the POD for the wedding
reception. I drove to the wedding in my cckw, and my wife drove up in her 42
GPW. After the ceremony, after the ceremony, we drove to the POD (852 ft
away) with a jerry can dragging behind the 42 GPW instead of tin cans or
And no, I have not dug a dire pit, slit trench or filled my sandbags. I have
thought of emulating Jack Tomlin by getting a couple of RR flatcars to store
some stuff on with a little track too...!
Steve AKA Dr Deuce
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